The theme of Days of Architecture 2016 Bratislava VALUE / ATTITUDE has been created in the context with the first issue of a new book series of the Department of Architecture and Slovart Publishing House:




Year 2014/2015 will be available in retail stores by the end of May 2016

Slovak Architecture Yearbook, takes as its ambition not only to publish the best results of recent architectonic realisations by Slovak architects (or architects active in Slovakia), but also to draw attention to the spectrum of architectural thought, the typological structure of architectural production, and the metaphorical topography of Slovakia’s architectural terrain. The 2016 Days of Architecture, along with the authors of the yearbook, hope to reveal to the public the living reality of at least part of this attractive area.

The book will be presented during the Days of Architecture and Design festival in the discussion: Bratislová: Kde sa nachádza slovenská architektúra?
which will be held on 25 May 2016.

Henrieta Moravčíková, Peter Szalay, Katarína Haberlandová, Laura Pastoreková, Roman Rutkowski: 
Slovak Architecture Yearbook 2014/2015. Bratislava, Slovart 2016.