Winterova 72, Piešťany
Emil Belluš
Schwarz, Schweiz, firma Pittel & Brausewetter Trnava
1930 – 1931
1931 – 1932

This functionalist structure of a sheltered pedestrian promenade bridge showcasing high architectural qualities is unique in the whole European context and it belonged to the architect's most popular works. The bridge consists of seven bays and connects the town with the island where the healing springs are located. Originally, it served the transportation as well as the pedestrians. Today it is exclusively a pedestrian bridge. The original promenade part of the bridge is covered with a cantilevered T-shape canopy. Retail integrated within the shore-side bays of the bridge further enhanced its attraction. Quite popular became also the stained glass windows by Benka and particularly the sculpture of Crutchbreaker by Kühmayer near the fountain at the entrance from the town. The bridge was intended to connect to a pergola-style colonnade along the river bank, hence the name 'colonnade' ('kolonadovy'). Although only a bridge has been built, it still is a great architectural work quite distinct of the time. The structure of the bridge has been calculated by a Swiss structural engineer A. Schwarz and the construction was carried out by Pittel & Brausewetter Company. During the War (1945) the middle part of the bridge has been blown up. Its restoration which brought it back to the functionalist original form was completed in 1956.

Nová mostná kolonáda cez Váh. Slovenský staviteľ 1, 1931, p. 30.
Sch [SCHVARZ, Alexander]: Bau einer gedeckten Eisenbetonbrücke in Pistyan. Forum 1, 1931, p. 376 – 377. 
sch [SCHWARZ, Alexander]: Die neue Bruckenkolonnade in Piestany. Forum 3, 1933, p. 292. Forum 3, 1933, 2, p. 26.
Mostová kolonáda v Piešťanoch. Slovenský staviteľ 5, 1935, p. 338.
GREBENÍK, Ivan: Kúpeľný most cez Váh v Piešťanoch. In: Zprávy věřejné služby technické 18, 1936, 309, p. 644 – 653. 
KUSÝ, Martin: Architektúra na Slovensku 1918 – 1945. Bratislava, Pallas 1971. 186 p.
KUSÝ, Martin: Emil Belluš. Bratislava, Tatran 1984. 142 p.
Emil Belluš - architektonické dielo. Katalóg výstavy. Ed. Klára Kubičková, Anna Zajková. Bratislava, SNG 1989.
FOLTYN, Ladislav: Slovakische Architektur und die tschechische Avantgarde 1918 – 1939. Dresden, Verlag des Kunst 1991. 236 p.
ŠIPOŠ, Ján: Piešťany v premenách vekov. Bratislava, Obzor 1992, p. 140 – 142.
Architekt Emil Belluš. Regionálna moderna. Katalóg výstavy. Ed. Matúš Dulla. Bratislava, SAS 1992.
KUBIČKOVÁ, Klára – DULLA, Matúš: Kolonádový most. Architektúra & urbanizmus 29, 1995, 1 – 2, p. 88 – 93.
MRŇA, Ľubomír: Architektonické diela 20. storočia na Slovensku – Piešťany. Architektúra & urbanizmus 31, 1997, 4, p. LV.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p.
Architektúra na Slovensku. Stručné dejiny. Ed. Henrieta Moravčíková. Bratislava, Slovart 2005. 182 p.

Source of pictures:
Department of Architecture Archive, ÚSTARCH SAV


This model was made possible through the financial support of the agency KEGA (modely): 003STU-4/2016