current use
Associated Hotel School 
Mikovíniho 1, Bratislava
Vladimír Dedeček, Rudolf Miňovský
1956 – 1958

The school complex stands on a hillside, which the architect addressed through the use of a pavilion system. The entire complex is situated around a central court, consisting of two classroom pavilions: the rear form the primary school, the front for secondary schooling and a linking area with special classrooms and workshops for vocational training. Enclosing the courtyard from the southwest side is the gym, linked to the school buildings through a covered pergola corridor. Also part of the complex are the dining hall and the separate nursery school at the northeast corner. In the commission, the two architects divided the tasks: Dedeček designing the school buildings and Miňovský the other parts. Inside the school are 25 square-shaped classrooms with dimensions of 720 x 730 cm with two systems of bilateral lighting. The concrete skeletal construction of the building allowed for the raising of the front wing on pillars to create a covered recess hall opening into the atrium defined by the individual pavilions; the atrium as well was used entirely for recreation and designed as a park. The school in the former ‘Februárka’ housing estate can be regarded as one of the most successful works of the partnership of Dedeček – Miňovský.

ŠVANIGA, Juraj: Škola na "Februárke". Projekt, 1964, 10 – 11, p. 229 – 231.
MIŇOVSKÝ, Rudolf: Vývoj školského ateliéru ŠPÚ – Bratislava. Projekt, 1957, 8, p. 6.