final competition
project a realization
Štúrova 1 – 3, Bratislava
Jan Víšek
1937 – 1939

This multipurpose building is situated close to the former ‘City Savings Bank’ (Juraj Tvarožek). Its layout is based on a right-angled construction system on a narrow plot of triangular shape; the glass parterre with small shops is slightly set back from the line of the street. At roughly one-third of both sides of the facade, a blind arcade is inserted. The second floor, with its running ribbon window, originally contained the popular restaurant Luxor; in the other four floors were offices and flats with lengthwise four-part windows in a simple rhythm. At a later date, the original Functionalist facade was covered with a flat suspended curtain wall. In 1998, the building was reconstructed to a design by Ján Bahna and one of the arcades (as well as the floor above) connected to the adjoining bank building. 

Jan Víšek. Ukázky architektonické tvorby z doby okupace. Architektura ČSR 5, 1945, 5, p. 124 – 125.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 397.

Matúš Dulla
Ground plan:
Department of Architecture Archive, ÚSTARCH SAV