current name
Gymnázium Janka Kráľa
Ulica SNP 3, Zlaté Moravce
František Vahala
1922 –1924

The secondary school is one of the town’s best architectural works. Its composition, created on a symmetrical plan, links the traditional historicist principles used for school construction at the turn of the last century with the rational tectonics of early Modernism. Here, the well-worn historicist motifs – protruding bay, piano nobile with formal balcony, raised outlines, cartouches or balustrades are reduced to abstract, ahistorical references. At the time of completion, the building was the only secondary school in the land with its own central auditorium. The impressively sized school has all the charm of a historic palace, strengthened by its situation in a school park with refined vegetation. 

10 rokov na Slovensku. Pamätnica bratislavského odboru Spolku čsl. inžinierov 1919 – 1929. Ed. K. Křivanec. Bratislava, Spolok čsl. inžinierov 1929, 354 p., p. 165.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 328.

Source of picture:
City Museum, Zlaté Moravce