Girls’ Youth Dormitory 
Poštová 13, Tornaľa
Zoltán Tornallyai

The two-storey object of the former district office is part of the solid street front; the relaxing composition of the facade culminates on both sides with the sharply cut gables with round openings. The stone cladding on the ground floor, the exposed brick in the supporting pilasters, the steeply peaked roof as well as the arched window openings all bring the building close to Hungarian Secessionism (particularly Károly Kós), or even as far as the Arts and Crafts movement. In its layout, the building is in three tracts, with the offices likely facing the street and the courtyard. At present, the building is used as a dormitory for teenage girls with behaviour problems.

GERLE, János – KOVÁCS, Attila – MAKOVECZ, Imre: A századfordulómagyar építészete. Budapest, Szépirodalmi könyvkiadó – Bonex 1990.
MORAVČÍKOVÁ, H. Henrieta: Architektonické diela 20. storočia na Slovensku. Architektúra & urbanizmus 32, 1998, 1 – 2, p. LXVI.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 73, 324.

Matúš Dulla