Mickiewiczova 4, Bratislava
Artur Szalatnai
1926 – 1927

Architect Szalatnai designed this residential building at a sharp corner lot in the spirit of maximum simplicity. It is one of the few residential examples in Slovakia where brick masonry cladding has been applied. Accented bands over the windows unify their varying size which in turn reflect the functional requirements inside. The structural shell of the building is emphasized by continuous concrete lintels, as part of the design intent of the architect. Apartment units occupy upper floors, while retail is located below. Simple brick masonry architecture is characteristic of the modernist architecture of the period throughout Europe, stemming from the Dutch and German influence on one hand and a desire to expose the structure of the building itself on the other hand. No doubt one of the best works of the architect Szalatnai, the original fresh modernist character has been preserved in spite the continuing functional modification of the ground level spaces. 

DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 342.

Matúš Dulla