project manager
general contractor
project and realization
Jarošova, Kutuzovova ul., Bratislava
Ján Strcula, Cyril Sirotný
VPÚ Bratislava
OVIS Bratislava
Vojenské stavby
1973 – 1978

This first circular-layout highrise building in Slovakia has a built-up area of only 160 sq. m. (1722 sq. ft.). It was constructed from a winning design of a dormitory for students of the military academy. It has a double reinforced concrete core at the centre with a diameter of 10 metres  (32'-10"), with walls 300 mm (12") thick. The core contains the services, washrooms and showers and a common room. Towards the facade, there is seventeen double dorm rooms with a balcony on each floor. The load bearing system consists of the core and 19 columns on the facade. The vertical communication housing four elevators and a staircase has been pushed to the outside of the 25-storey segmented building.  

STRCULA, Ján: 26/podlažný internát. Projekt 15, 1973, 1, p. 24 – 25.
ŠLACHTA, Štefan: Formy diktované logikou. Projekt 21, 1979, 1, p. 22 – 23.
ZALČÍK, Tibor – DULLA, Matúš: Slovenská architektúra 1976 – 1980. Bratislava, Veda 1982. 192 p.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 446.

Ján Sláma