Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2, Nitra
Vladimír Dedeček, Rudolf Miňovský 
Jaroslav Nemec
Karol Mesík, Jozef Bučko, Ľudovít Farkaš, Jozef Poštulka 
1975 – 1978
1977 – 1984

Construction of the university (created in 1955) started in the late 1950s with preparation of the land of the former local airport on the left bank of the river Nitra. On the open complex, a system of pavilions was used with suitably free layouts, close connection with the greenery, transparent organisation and differences in function as well as in the stage of construction. A running communication corridor leads to the lens-shaped great hall with a thin vaulting with a diameter of 36 m. With a capacity of 600 seats, the hall lies on a horizontal plinth, along with the nine-storey building of the administrative offices and theoretical departments and the seven-storey pavilions (agronomy, animal husbandry, and technical areas with dissecting rooms). These pavilions are designed in three sections, with the faculty offices on the southern side and the training rooms and laboratories on the northern side. Standing separately are the chemistry and radio-isotope pavilions. The architectural appearance corresponds very well to the lighter, more relaxed architecture that arrived with the end of Socialist Realism in the late 1950s. The independently shaped figures of the main hall, the pavilions and even the composition of the formal accessories recall the design of the Brazilian capital Brasilia, designed at the same period. The agricultural university complex is regarded as one of the best architectural works of the era in Slovakia.

ANTAL, Ján: Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska v Nitre. Projekt 7, 1965, 5, p. 98 – 101.
KARFÍK, Vladimír: Areál vysokej školy poľnohospodárskej v Nitre – Letisko. Architektura ČSSR, 1968, 2, p. 99 – 106.
DEDEČEK, Vladimír: Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule in Nitra. DBZ, 1973, 12, p. 150 – 153.
KUSÝ, Martin – ŠPALDOŇ, V. – DEDEČEK, Vladimír: Areál Vysokej školy poľnohospodárskej v Nitre. Projekt 30, 1988, 10, p. 10 – 14.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002, 512 p., p. 199.
DULLA, Matúš: Ľahká mimobežnosť moderny a tradície. Zvláštne (či) obyčajné polstoročie architektúry na Slovensku: 1939 – 1989. Architektúra Slovenska. Impulzy a reflexie. Katalóg výstavy. Ed. Adolph Stiller, Štefan Šlachta. Wien, Verlag Anton Pustet 2003, p. 139 – 140.
ŽALMAN, Peter: Dni architektúry 2004 a tvorba Vladimíra Dedečka, pohľad späť. Projekt, 2004, 3, p. 32 – 34.
Architektúra na Slovensku stručné dejiny. Ed. Henrieta Moravčíková. Bratislava, Slovart 2005, p. 157.
SZALAY, Peter: Architekt Vladimír Dedeček. Architektúra & Urbanizmus 39, 2005, 3 – 4, p. 135.
SZALAY, Peter: Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska v Nitre. Technologický a objemový experiment v štýle neskorého moderizmu. Architektúra & urbanizmus 41, 2007, 3 – 4, p. 31 – 45.
Vysoká škola poľnohospodárska. DOCOMOMO národný register: Slovensko. Architektúra & Urbanizmus 40, 2006, 3 – 4, p. XVII.

Ján Sláma, Rajmund Müller 



This model was made possible through the financial support of the agency KEGA (modely): 003STU-4/2016