project, realization
Moyzesova 3, Topoľčany
Eugen Rosenberg
Rudolf Medek

Three houses in total were built from Eugene Rosenberg's projects in his native town of Topolcany. One of them was only a minor and insignificant building that is now renovated beyond recognition; the other two however are architecturally more substantial. They are located just steps apart and both of them are upscale houses – villas. The more prominent and articulated of the two is Dr. Mokry's villa. It features a simple rectangular volume with two-storey front section and a single-storey rear wing. The architect designed it while residing in Prague and it reflects the functionalist outlook of the then Prague avant-garde. The construction of the mansion was carried out within just a couple of months (approximately from May till October 1934). Modern villa with clean architectural expression responds sensitively to the surroundings and its architecturally older urban environment. The villa underwent just a minor renovation, preserved is also bigger part of the original built-in interior fitments. It is still an important element in Topolcany landscape and it even still carries the name Mokry's villa ('Mokreho vila'), owned by Dr. Mokry's descendants.

ŠLAPETA, Vladimír: Neznámý Rosenberg. Architekt 37, 1991, 15, p. 4.
POWERS, A.: In the line of development: FRS Yorke, E. Rosenberg and C. J. Mardall to YRM, London, RIBA Heinz Gallery 1992, 108 p.
Topoľčany vo vrstvách vekov. Dejiny mesta do polovice 20. storočia. Ed. Egon Wiedermann. Topoľčany, 1997.
JURKOVIČ, Peter: Pamiatková ochran diel funkcionalizmu a socialistického realizmu. In: Architektúra a končiace sa storočie. Zborník. Ed. Matúš Dulla, Bratislava, SAS, ÚSTARCH SAV, FA STU 2000, p. 180 – 189.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002, p. 143, 381.
KRAMÁRIKOVÁ, Janka: Československý červený kríž a vila doktora Mokrého v Topoľčanoch – prvé realizované návrhy v tvorbe architekta Eugena Rosenberga. ...a ďalšie jeho projekty na Slovensku. Projekt 48, 2006, 3, p. 72 – 75.
Vila Dr. Mokrého. DOCOMOMO národný register: Slovensko. Architektúra & urbanizmus 40, 2006, 3 – 4, p. XIX. 

Matúš Dulla


This model was made possible through the financial support of the agency KEGA (modely): 003STU-4/2016
