restoration and rebuilding
restoration and rebuilding
Suché mýto 2, 4, Bratislava
Desider Quastler
1936 – 1937
Marta Kropiláková

A five-storey rental apartment building was formerly known as Halmos. It had retail at the ground floor and relatively spacious apartments on upper floors. The plain purist block consisted of two generally almost identical buildings with separate entrances. Noticeable difference was only in varied window mullions in facades divided by an expansion joint visible in the stucco finish. In 1996, a project led by Marta Kropilakova united Halmos with richly shaped corner building of the new Slovak Savings Bank ("Slovenska sporitelna', Ivan Marko, 1994). The original rectangular arrangement was replaced with organic curves. Although the main facade remained flat, the arrangement of windows and balconies along with rich new colours had significantly departed from Quastler's purist architecture. 

Rekonštrukcia rekonštrukcií dvoch objektov na Suchom mýte v Bratislave. Arch 1, 1996, 2, p. 1 – 3.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 243, 388.

Source of picture:
Archive of Štefan Šlachta