design and statics
Mierová 6, Bratislava
Marián Marcinka
Jozef Poštulka
1959 – 1961

The experimental character of the school’s layout lied primarily in that the roughly square main classrooms, with lighting from both directions, are always reached from each landing of the staircases, of which there are four in total. The three-storey classroom wing faces south; on the opposite side is the wing of teachers’ rooms and service areas, with cloakrooms on the ground floor on both sides of the main entrance. Between both of the wings are three atria. Though the arrangement is unusual, the building is highly navigable, with a clear and harmonic layout. The exterior touches (the window openings on the staircases, supplemented by the high ribbon windows of the north-facing classrooms, or the slanting framing of the north facade) are derived from the compositional logic, giving the school its form and not (as is often the case) mere inorganic exterior touches. Standing at a remove is the gym pavilion with its walls of glass brick.196 

TITL, Ľubomír: Interiéry experimentálnej školy Bratislava - Prievoz. Projekt 4, 1962, 7 – 8, p. 156 – 158.
KARFÍK, Vladimír – KARFÍKOVÁ, Světla – MARCINKA, Marián: Nové smery vo výstavbe škôl. Bratislava, SFVU 1963. 250 p.
Deux écoles élémentaires en Tchechoslovaquie. L'architecture d'jourd'hui 107, 1963, 3, p. 52.
MARCINKA, Marián – KOVAŘOVIC, Ján – MONCOĽ, Milan: 24-triedna škola v Bratislave-Prievoze. Projekt 33, 1991, 5 – 6, p. 59 – 62.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002, 512 p., p. 196, 421.
DULLA, Matúš: Ľahká mimobežnosť moderny a tradície. Zvláštne (či) obyčajné polstoročie architektúry na Slovensku: 1939 – 1989. s. 123 – 157. In: Architektúra Slovenska. Impulzy a reflexia. Katalóg výstavy. Ed. Adolph Stiller, Štefan Šlachta. Wien, Verlag Anton Pustet 2003. 204 p.

Matúš Dulla
Ground plan: 
Department of Architecture Archive, ÚSTARCH SAV