Mudroňova 1, Martin
Ján Palkovič
1925 – 1926

The second building of Matica slovenská (The Slovak Matica) has replaced the original seat of this Slovak national heritage institution, the original one being sold to the government.The final design came out of a two-round competition, attended by Emil Bellus among others. The building layout is symetrical, with the entrance towards the adjacent park. A formal exterior staircase is joined in the interior first by a single staircase and further down the entrance hall by a double-flight staircase.The original dual wing layout encompassed in respective floors a library with a reading room, meeting rooms, offices and the top floor was dedicated to science rooms and a painting gallery. Temporary accomodation was provided in the left wing. The expression of the second Matica building reflects the idealistic verve of the builders. The classical architecture obviously corresponded the best to the feelings of national revival and pride which it came to represent.Tall pillars, a portico, tympanums and a strict symmetry are all the typical attributes of this building. 

CHORVÁT, Juraj: Osud novej budovy Matice slovenskej. Slovenský denník 7, 10. 8. 1924, 182, p. 2.
Stavitel 5, 1924, 7, p. 100.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 75, 334.