Révova 54, Bratislava
Ferdinand Milučký

In its design, the personal residence of this important architect attests – as he himself has stated – that his key inspiration has always been folk art and vernacular building. In addition to the direct, literally invoked vernacular materials and forms (the inserted windows, wooden and metal connecting details), Milučký more significantly strives to re-create the lost relationship to form, craftsmanship, material. The modernity of Milučký’s work adds to the strictly primary character of folk culture the offerings of new technological possibilities: transparency, continuity of the relationship with nature while retaining the intimacy of the interior (garden-interior- patio). Yet still, folk architecture here remains the underlying sensibility. 

DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002, 512 p.
DULLA, Matúš: Architekt Ferdinand Milučký. Bratislava, SAS 1998. 99 p.
TOPOLČANSKÁ, Mária: Dva prístupy k modernite. Alena Šrámková a Ferdinand Milučký. In: Architektúra & Urbanizmus, 40, 2006, 2 – 3, p. 137 – 155.

I. Bačík