author of rebuilding
Dom umenia
Moyzesova 66, Košice
Lajos Kozma
Josef Erdély
L. Czihal
about 1953

Construction of the Reform Synagogue was preceded by an international competition, won by the Budapest architect Lajos Kozma. The original synagogue building was a concentrated central mass with a striking cupola topped with an onion-domed lantern at the peak. Formed on a circular floor plan, the interior space of the prayer-room has an imposing height. The main entrance to the synagogue was emphasised by a monumental four-columned portico; during the reconstruction as a cultural centre in the 1950s, the portico was replaced by the heavy-handed block of the front vestibule – though the rest of the building retained its original form. Included in the first complex was a Jewish school.

NAMÉNYI, Ernö: Templom és iskola. Bpudapest 1929, 5.
BIERBAUER, Virgil: A kassai templom. Kozma Lajos müve. Tér és Forma. 1929, p. 10.
KOZMA, Lajos: Az építészeti kritikáról. Tér és Forma  1929, p. 456 – 457.
HÁY, Gyula: Kozma Lajos, ahogy ma látjuk. Tér és Forma 1929, p. 279 – 288.
BÉKE, László – VARGA, Zsuzsa: Kozma Lajos. Akademiai Kiadó. Budapest 1968. 38 p., p. 17.
ŠLACHTA, Štefan: Moderne Architektur in der Slovakei. 20-er und 30-er Jahre. (Katalóg výstavy.) Bratislava, SAS 1991.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 78, 345.
BORSKÝ, Maroš: Synagogue Architecture in Slovakia. Bratislava, Jewish Heritage Foundation – Menorah 2007. 150 p.

Source of picture:
Department of Architecture Archive, ÚSTARCH SAV