Vistra, Bratislava
Vladimír Karfík
1948 – 1950

In 1947, Karfík designed a standardised three-storey apartment block for the residential suburb of Zálešná in Zlín; one year later, he used it in Bratislava during the construction of the residential colonies of Vistra and Biely Kríž. The buildings in Vistra are realised in rows, with two varying layouts: the first with a single section on each floor of two three-room flats, with the second type containing either two four-room flats or three two-room flats. Each apartment has a balcony with a single rounded corner, and a side railing of painted sheet metal. Supplementing the austere architecture is the mature greenery of the park-like landscaping of the older surrounding buildings. The colony has its own buildings for shops, schools, services, and a medical centre. Vistra marks the end of the Zlín phase of Karfík’s oeuvre, representing his greatest achievements.

KARFÍK, Vladimír: Kolónia Vistra a Biely Kríž. Architektura ČSR 9, 1950, p. 148.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 120, 413.
SLABEYOVÁ, Michaela: Architekt Vladimír Karfík  symbol modernej československej architektúry. Architektúra & urbanizmus 42, 2008, 1 – 2, p. 71 – 99.

Matúš Dulla