current name
address architect project
Pošta Štrbské Pleso
Poštová ulica Oľga Ondreičková 1967
The connections building at Štrbské Pleso was the first big task for Ondreičková in Stavprojekt. The High Tatras were about to host the World Championships in classical ski disciplines at the time. It was therefore a prestigious and demanding assignment consisting of the post office, the radio, the amplification station and the broadcast tower. Oľga Ondreičková not only completed the project in three months, but she has created a perfectly functioning and artistically extremely impressive architecture. The fair-face concrete and the contrasting suspended glass walls that have been used there has become a distinctive feature of her further work.
MORAVČIKOVÁ, Henrieta: Neviditeľné architektky. Architektúra & urbanizmus, 2015, 1 - 2, s. 82 - 103.
ZIBRIN, Pavel: Realizácia úzmenoplánovacej dokumentácie Vysokých Tatier. Projekt, 1989, 3, s. 2 - 5
DULLA, Matúš - MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra 20. storočia na Slovensku. Slovart 2002, s. 433.
Rajmund Muller