current name
Diagnostic centre
Slovinská ulica, Bratislava
Milica Marcinková

Children's Diagnostic Home in Bratislava was designed by Milica Marcinková at the same time as the famous orphanage by Aldo van Eyck was being built in Amsterdam. She also worked with the concept of a non-hierarchical environment to create the most friendly home for children from three to fourteen years that were isolated for a few months from the family and the outside world. The children's home consists of several separate masses grouped around the inner aria. This layout, the scale and the material solution of the buildings implies a civilian impression and, while preserving the need for control, at the same time provides a sufficient degree of intimacy. This is one of the best examples of social facilities for young people, which served as an inspiration for similar realizations in Slovakia.



MORAVČIKOVÁ, Henrieta: Neviditeľné architektky. Architektúra & urbanizmus, 2015, 1 - 2, s. 82 - 103.  
KOVÁČ, Martin: Kultúrne prostredie nie je prepych. Projekt 224, 1989, 2, s. 37 - 42