project manager
project and realization
Zemplínska šírava, Medvedia hora
Dušan Bálent, Eduard Horváth, Ivan Kočan
Ján Hutťan, Milan Lovás
Vojenský projektový ústav Bratislava
Krajská vojenská ubytovacia a stavebná správa Košice
FMNO – HSVS/SSVý Praha, Vojenské stavby o. p. Brno, SNAHA, výrobné družstvo Bardejov (interiéry)
1977 – 1979

Military nursing convalescent home is sited on a narrow peninsula extending from the north into Zemplinska Sirava water reservoir. Architecture of the building is based on a system of transverse loadbearing walls with 6.6 metre (21'-8") spacing. Asymmetric distribution of respective functional segments of the building – which this type of structure has allowed – resulted in a strong structuralist form. It has been shaped into a ballanced composition having an impressive synergy with the surrounding landscape. Except for the main six-storey residential quarters, the complex of the nursing home also accomodated the building services, food services and common rooms, sports facilities, a wharf and bungalows for patrons. The architecture of the building relies on the grid of white protruding structural elements and varying height of its massing, contrasting its regular rectangular geometry with the natural surroundings.

SIROTNÝ, Cyril: Vojenská zotavovňa na Zemplínskej šírave. Projekt 21, 1979, 5, p. 40 – 42.
ZALČÍK, Tibor – DULLA, Matúš: Slovenská architektúra 1976 - 1980. Bratislava, Veda 1982.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 229, 445.

Ľubo Stacho
Ground plan:
Department of Architecture Archive, ÚSTARCH SAV