Štúrova 2, Bratislava
Emil Belluš
Jozef Berný, Jozef Petri
1936 – 1937
1937 – 1938

The monumental building has all the characteristics of contemporary processes in architecture, with strengthened impact of Novecento movement in Mussolinian Italy and of Germany where modern architecture gave way to National Socialism. The Bank is one of the best Bellus' buildings and it is also an evidence of his ability to respond sensitively to the current changes through his architecture. In accordance with a classic scheme, roughly finished travertine cladding of the building base transfers into smooth blocks on upper floors. Particularly significant is the large frontage at the entrance with a void between upper side wings, where a statue of the Greek god Hermes (a patron saint of merchants as well as thieves) was originally to be located. One of the often published details is the stainless steel gate with square panelling.

Der Neubau der Nationalbank in Bratislava. Prager Presse, Nr. 304, 16, 7, Nov. 1936, p. 7. 
KUSÝ, Martin: Emil Belluš. Bratislava, Tatran 1984. 142 p.
Architekt Emil Belluš. Regionálna moderna. Katalóg výstavy. Ed. Matúš Dulla. Bratislava, SAS 1992.
FOLTYN, Ladislav: Slovenská architektúra a česká avantgarda 1918 – 1939. Bratislava, SAS 1993. 238 p., p. 192.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p.
Národná banka Československá. DOCOMOMO národný register: Slovensko. Architektúra & urbanizmus 40, 2006, 3 – 4, p. 27.

Source of picture:
Department of Architecture Archive, ÚSTARCH SAV