authors of renovation
Laurinská 17, Bratislava
Franz Wimmer, Endre Szőnyi
Rudolf Netík, Katarína Poláková, Lukáš Ballek, Martin Merger, Marek Sivák, Juraj Calaj

Commercial and residential house Central with its passage is one of the first purist buildings in Slovakia. The passage used to connect Laurinska Street with a marketplace. The three-storey building was completed in 1929. It was the first modern department store in the Old Town Bratislava and at the same time it brought hitherto unknown passage as an entity. There was a long retail gallery leading through the middle of the building, with stores extending over two floors. It was covered by a reinforced vaulted roof with glass block panels. The same glass block was used in the passage floor to illuminate subterranean stores below. The glass block along with horizontal steel railing provided the Central Passage with a constructivist character. The building had a smooth facade and large undivided windows with plain mouldings and it had a flat roof.

Zentralpassage. Forum 1, 1931, p. 151 – 154.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., p. 84, 352.
HABERLANDOVÁ, Katarína: Obnova Central Pasáže. Arch 11, 2006, 12, p. 18 – 23.
BORECKÁ, Eva: Regionálne odtiene klasickej moderny. Franz Wimmer (1885 – 1953) a Endre Szőnyi (1885 – 1968): život, dielo, doba. Architektúra & urbanizmus 42, 2008, 1 – 2, p. 43 – 70.

Source of pictures:
Forum 1931