Somolického 2, Bratislava
Fridrich Weinwurm, Ignác Vécsei

This is a simple detached three-storey villa. A prominent wide terrace stands out from a compact volume of the building. Sensible interior layout is based on a rectangular system. Even though the villa is one of the first completed projects by F. Weinwurm and I. Vecsei, it already bears the characteristics of their later works: a clean-cut layout, a smooth facade free of any decoration, a cantilevered flat ledge and traditional windows arranged in pairs and triplets, divided by only a narrow mullion. Part of the building serves today as a museum of Janko Jesensky, a Slovak writer who once lived in the house. 

Wasmuth's Monatshefte 12, 1928, p. 62.
Fridrich Weinwurm – Architekt Novej doby. Ed. Š. Šlachta, Bratislava, SAS 1993.
Dulla, Matúš – Moravčíková, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002, 512 p., p. 89 a 330.

Matúš Dulla