address architects contractors project realization |
Horná 60,Banská Bystrica Alois Balán, Jiří Grossmann Hugo Kaboš a Eugen Fischer, Lipt. Mikuláš 1927 1930 |
The building of the district health insurance office stands at the corner of ul. Horná and ul. Kukučínova. The two wings of the three-storey building reach a compositional culmination in the corner cylinder of the staircase tower, lighted through surfaces of glass brick on the northern side. The cylinder rises above the remaining mass by at least one storey, topped with the sculpture of a human figure. Entrances to the buildings are placed in the northern facade, accentuated by their flat pilasters accompanied with a simple cornice. The window openings in the second and third floors are surrounded by ceramic tile, reinforcing the horizontality of the building. In 1964, an addition by architect Ladislav Kmeť linked the building to the former notary dormitory at the corner of ul. Kukučínova and ulice Československej armády. At present, the entire block of buildings is a medical clinic.
Photo: Matúš Dulla