design of mobile furniture
Námestie slobody 1, Bratislava
Ľudovít Jendreják, Ladislav Kušnír, Peter Puškár, Ján Šilinger
J. Bočan, V. Rothbauer
V. Cigler, K. Drexler, J. Fizel, L. Jergušová, K. Korkoš, J. Marth, K. Šujanová
1975 – 1976
1976 – 1979

The solitary object is located in the northeastern part of the baroque park of Archbishop’s Palace near its one wing, in the part with no historical green vegetation. The Seat of the Slovak Government is a solitary pavilion link with the historical building of the Government Office with and underground passage. The object of the Government building has a square ground plan of the size of 36x36 m. The object is divided into a part with the conference and office space and a part with the employees’ cafeteria designed in such way that these premises do not interfere with each other. The shell of the cube of the extension is vertically structured alternately with of brownish glass walls and white stone in the rhythm of a modulated network. A simple cubical form of a three-floor object is from the northwest disrupted by a horizontal line of a balcony. The most pronounced element of the interior is the hall that runs through all three above the ground floors and it is lit from the above with natural light. 

JENDREJÁK, Ľudovít – KUŠNÍR, Ladislav: Nová budova vlády SSR. Projekt 17, 1975, 7  8, p. 51.
JANKOVICH, Imrich: Prístavba budovy vlády SSR. Architektura ČSSR 39, 1980, 5, p. 194 – 196.
ZALČÍK, Tibor – DULLA, Matúš: Slovenská architektúra 1976 – 1980. Bratislava, Veda 1982. 192 p., here p. 60.
DULLA, Matúš – MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Henrieta: Architektúra Slovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava, Slovart 2002. 512 p., here p. 444.