current name
swimming pool 
Ulica Vysokoškolákov, Žilina
Anton Cimmermann, Gabriela Cimmermannová
1960 - 1963


One of the first modern indoor swimming pools in Slovakia. The exterior architectural treatment still shows the traces of the 1950s. However, the internal arrangement is rationally functionalist and the pool area carries a typical relaxed character of the next decade architecture. Dressing rooms and visitors lockers are to the right of the entrance and divided (men-women) on the ground floor and the first floor. The south openable glazed wall leads to the terrace and to the area where outdoor swimming pools were planned. The building was renovated in 1997.



Stuchl, A.: Plaváreň v Žiline. Projekt 3, 1961, č. 3, s. 54 - 55.

Šavlík, M.: Krytá plaváreň v Žiline. Projekt 6, 1964, č. 1, s. 13 - 16.  



archív TASR, autor F. Kocian