current name
interior design
House of Culture
Námestie slobody, Dolný Kubín
Viera Mecková
Gabriela Cimmermannová
1975 - 1978
1979 - 1986

The House of Culture in Dolný Kubín belongs to Mecková's later, more expressive works. The basis is still a rectangular load-bearing skeleton, but the spaces are determined by the diagonal partition walls and by the changes in the floor levels and the luminous heights. The building is divided into separate spatial units, which is also reflected in the facade fragmentation. In particular, the entrance facade demonstrates Mecková's tendency to expressive design, monumentality and figurativeness.


MORAVČIKOVÁ, Henrieta: Neviditeľné architektky. Architektúra & urbanizmus, 2015, 1 - 2, s. 82 - 103.  
STUCHL, Antonín ed. : Viera Mecková. Architektúra, knižná väzba, šperk. Katalóg výstavy pri príležitosti udelenia Ceny Emila Belluša. Bratislava, SAS 2003.